Injaz defines its core areas of expertise and competency as:

  • Assisting municipalities in establishing new local entities and departments to improve service delivery (prominent examples include the establishment of economic development corporations and departments devoted to environmental concerns) 
  • Implementing tools to improve project management and execution   
  • Developing industrial zones by introducing tools and best practices for their successful management   
  • Developing and perfecting the municipalities’ means to attract and retain innovative businesses and entrepreneurs
  • Attracting, placing and supporting municipal cadets in the municipalities  

Injaz’s “entry point” in working with municipalities is in one or both of two main areas:   

Establishing and maintaining an operational and economic infrastructure  

The hand-on provision of services  


An individual ALA receives the benefit of Injaz’s work in either or both of these areas depending on its specific needs. Injaz deems its work to be successful to the degree that this infrastructure serves the members of the community and is sustainable, and the degree to which the services offered result in tangible improvement in the residents’ overall quality of life.   

Injaz’s work within the Arab municipalities includes the following: 

  • Hands-on work to define and refine priorities and create work plans that result in the implementation of municipal budgets  
  • Hands-on work with local professionals to improve day-to-day operations and efficiencies  
  • Establishment of municipal entities relevant to the municipalities’ specific priorities  
  • Working with municipalities in attracting, supporting and retaining municipal cadets    

Injaz’s work among and between the Arab municipalities includes the following: 

  • Monitoring of budgets and the means of distribution and the facilitation of constructive discussion between the local leadership and government ministries, and assistance in applying for and securing tenders offered by the government  
  • Management of the digital communication platforms created for mayors and senior officials   
  • Convening discussion forums among municipal officials and professionals   
  • Creating and staffing sub-committees within the National Council of Arab Mayors



Among the impacts of Injaz’s work is the following:  

  • Municipalities increasingly see tangible benefit in the areas that they define as being the highest priorities
  • Municipalities develop an independence that positions them for perpetual effective functioning  
  • Budgets are increasingly being distributed as planned and as best matching the municipalities’ needs  
  • Communication among mayors and senior officials is more regular and effective and thereby impacts the creation of consensus building and cohesion  
  • Opportunities for stakeholders to regularly meet to address specific, concrete issues significantly increases and become an integral part of the municipal culture