The Forum of Arab Local Authorities Treasurers

On May 25th 2022, over 40 treasurers representing Arab local authorities in the North, Triangle and the Negev regions participated an event launching the Forum of Arab Local Authorities Treasurers. The forum will foster collaboration, dialogue, peer learning and capacity building among Arab local authorities’ treasures. It will also facilitate access to key government officials and ministries by establishing effective means of communication and constructive relationships with government officials.

During the event, the treasurers addressed existing shortcomings within the Arab local authorities (ALAs) which constrain the implementation of government decisions and budgetary allocations, which impact organizational infrastructure and staff shortages to utilize state resources. There was also discussion on the structural restrictions ALAs face, such as income from the Balancing and Reducing the Gaps fund because of the Gadish current formula and criteria which severely effects on ALA income from this source.

Mr. Ziad Abu Ganim, Treasurer of the Lakya Local Council and members of the Negev Treasurers Forum (part of Injaz) presented the challenges and barriers that the ALAs in the Negev are facing. He shared the work experiences of treasurers in the Negev over the past two years, with insights into the success of the forum, and possible challenges to be avoided.

Among the event keynote speakers was Mr. Saleh Khutaba, Deputy Commissioner of the Northern District at the ministry of Interior and, Mrs. Salima Sulieman, the Head of the Local Authorities Department at the Economic Development, who discussed the challenges of Government Resolution 550.

The forum participants agreed to take practical steps, including the creation of sub-committees which will follow up and monitor specific areas, such as the implementation of Government Resolution 550.    

The forum is part of our strategic plan in which we work towards building and expanding the Injaz community. In the coming months other forums will be held, including one for Arab mayor’s, the Forum of Directors of Education Departments, and the Forum of Managers of Youth Departments.