The first annual conference for Arab local governance was organized by Injaz Center in collaboration with the National Committee for Heads of Arab Local Councils. It was held on May 10, 2023, at the Ramada Hotel in Nazareth. The conference attracted a diverse and extensive audience, which included prominent individuals such as the Director-General of the Ministry of Interior, the Director-General of the Ministry of Social Equality, and over 55 Arab local authority leaders from Galilee, Triangle, and Negev. Additionally, senior employees from government ministries such as Interior, Social Equality, Finance, and Education were in attendance, along with senior personnel from Arab local authorities in Galilee, Triangle, and Negev, encompassing 58 accountants, 46 directors-general, several engineers, directors of education departments, youth departments, and resource executives. Moreover, directors and employees from civil society organizations and institutions, representatives from charitable funds, and members of the public (who were part of Arab local authorities) contributed to the overall participation, which exceeded 300 individuals.
- 04-6566572
- 2004 Wadi Elhaj St, PO Box 50724, Nazareth 16000